escaen +34 936 652 454 - +34 936 652 300 Monday to Sunday, 8 am to 9 pm.
escaen +34 936 652 454 - +34 936 652 300 Monday to Sunday, 8 am to 9 pm.

Junior Tennis Academy

We have your Academy


Tennis Academy competition in Barcelona

The technical staff works on perfecting the technique and tactics already introduced in the previous stage, adapting it to the student’s individual game and perfecting strokes, movements and tactics for matches. Therefore, we attach importance to the professional growth of each student and his continuous improvement, with a training program aimed at competitions.

Between 13 and 18 years old
Between 10 and 17 years old
Between 12 and 18 years old
Jugador con un alto nivel de habilidad.
between 13 and 18 years old


• Maximum 5 students per group
• 1 or 2 days a week
• 1h lessons
• Monday to Friday: 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
• Saturdays and Sundays: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

*Pre-book a place from 19/08 through:

*Plaza confirmation by the coordinator will be necessary, in order to formalize the registration form

School aimed at children from 13 to 18 years old, with one-hour lessons. For those who have already been trained in previous levels and have notions of tennis. It seeks to perfect the technique and incorporate specific blows.
In the improvement school, the groups are formed from 4 students and with a maximum of 5, those who come from initiation with an improved level but who have not chosen the competitive aspect and those who come from pre-competition schools are mixed or competition who do not want to continue competing so frequently.
The technical staff works on perfecting the technique and tactics already exhibited in the previous stage, adapting it to the student’s individual game and perfecting strokes, movements and tactics for matches.


• Play from the back of the court, combining forehand and backhand
• Perfect the execution of the serve and differentiate between 1st and 2nd
• Learn to select all grips
• Perfect volleys and smash
• Improve displacement in all directions
• Learn to play points and compete against peers
• Successfully work the skill area
• Knowledge of tennis basic rules

between 10 and 17 years old
El Club Andrés Gimeno ofrece las mejores clases de tenis de la Costa Este

School aimed at children from 10 to 17 years old, with two-hour lessons along with one hour of physical preparation. For those who have already been trained in previous levels and have the objective of competing. A personalized training plan is created and adapted to the needs of each student.
In the pre-competition school, the groups are formed with a maximum of 5 students, we give importance to the professional growth of each student and its continuous improvement.
The technical staff focuses on personalized programs for each player focused on competitions together with a specific physical preparation program to improve sports performance. In the older groups, preparation is compulsory, in order to guarantee its level and demand.
Registrations are made for the federated tournaments (detailed in greater detail in another point) that will be combined with several team tournaments during the season.
The students of this school have an accompaniment service, follow-up and preparation of a report by the coach that is delivered to the technical direction. After completing several courses in this school, it is time to decide whether to jump into competition, where the demand is much greater both in intensity of the sessions and when playing tournaments, or go to the improvement school.


• Play from the back of the court, combining forehand and backhand
• Perfect the execution of the serve and differentiate between 1st and 2nd
• Learn to select all grips
• Perfect volleys and smash
• Improve a displacement in all directions
• Learn to play points and compete against peers
• Successfully work the skill area


• Maximum 5 students per group
• 1, 2 or 3 days a week (at technical criteria)
• Lessons of 1.5h duration + 1h of physical preparation
• Monday to Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
• Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (2h Tennis)

*Pre-book a place from 19/08 through:

*Plaza confirmation by the coordinator will be necessary, in order to formalize the registration form

Este joven jugador se convertirá rápidamente en un campeón.
between 12 and 18 years old


• Maximum 4 students per group
• 1 to 5 days per week (at technical criteria)
• 2h lessons + 1h physical preparation
• Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
• Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (2h Tennis)

*Pre-book a place from 19/08 through:

*Plaza confirmation by the coordinator will be necessary, in order to formalize the registration form

Academy aimed at children from 12 to 18 years old, with two-hour lessons along with one hour of physical preparation. For those who have already been trained in previous levels and have the objective of competing. Only the highest-level students with intense dedication both in training and in competitions can make up these groups. In the competition academy, the groups are formed with a maximum of 4 students. We give importance to the professional growth of each student and its continuous improvement, with a training program aimed at competitions. The competitions are already part of the training program, both for teams and
individuals. The coaching staff registers for the federated tournaments (detailed in greater detail in another point) that will be combined with the various team tournaments during the season. The students of this academy have an accompaniment service, follow-up and preparation of a report by the coach that is delivered to the technical direction. Being groups with smaller ratios, the lack of attendance must be justified, since if it is repetitive, it loses the level of the game and harms the rest of the students, hence the importance of knowing how to combine studies and highperformance sports, being something that everyone is capable of doing. Once you reach 18 years of age, we offer the possibility of carrying out the sports scholarship project in the USA. It consists of negotiating a scholarship to continue playing tennis and to help financially to pay for studies at American universities. In recent years, several of our students have lived this experience, being highly recommended and satisfactory. From the school we offer complete advice and facilitate the relevant contacts with the agents in charge of the negotiation. If you wish to be linked to the teaching of tennis, you can
continue perfecting it in our maintenance school, intended for an advanced level of adulthood. And for the third way, those students who want to continue in the tennis career oriented to the professional world, are guided in the selection of alternative projects to launch themselves on the ITF, WTA or ATP circuit. Students over 16 years of age are offered the possibility of helping/collaborating in training tasks, helping our
teachers as support. Whether in captaincies and campuses. Being an exceptional situation, and of great responsibility, it will only be offered to those students who demonstrate sufficient merits.


• Put safety in the background game
• Settle flay, slice and topspin serve
• Set the volleys with their corresponding grips
• Get good results in the skill area
• Learn to play in attack (half-court game)
• Learn to defense (background)
• Encourage individual commitment